Traits to Look For to Find Beautiful Women

What traits should you look for to find beautiful women? I know that your first reaction to this would be, ‘Beautiful women are everywhere. I do not have to find them!’ The cliché ‘beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’ holds true in many ways and in finding beautiful women one of the most important factor is knowing what you perceive is beautiful. Here are three traits to look for that will help you find beautiful women whatever your perception of beauty is:1.      Physical Beauty. Beauty on the outside is mostly what men look for in women and this is the type of beauty that is easiest to find. The shape of the face, kissable lips, sparkling eyes and a whistle-bait and svelte figure are only some of the physical features that men look for in women. If any of these features are present in a woman you are looking at then she can be described as physically beautiful but these are all superficial.2.      Intellectual Beauty. You will need to sit down and talk with a woman before you can really evaluate and assess the level of her intelligence. Some women may not be highly intellectual but are very witty. They can laugh at their mistakes, are very clever and are not afraid to speak up. If a woman can talk about anything under the sun, then that would be a bonus. A professional degree may not be really important to determine a woman’s intellectual beauty. It can be seen in the way she talks and in how she exudes confidence even if she may not be a physical beauty. 3.      Inner Beauty. The hardest to find is a woman with inner beauty because this trait does not usually show on the outside.   You will have to be intimate with this kind of woman to be able to see her inner beauty. She may not be physically beautiful nor is she intellectually beautiful but her inner beauty radiates in the way she treats everybody around her. Her most outstanding characteristics are her being unselfish and compassionate. You might be more attracted to physical beauty or intellectual beauty but a woman with inner beauty will surely stand out from the rest. Finding all these traits in a woman might be tough and some might be rare but still your personal perception of beauty will have a bearing on how you would consider a woman beautiful.

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